av M Dahl · 2016 — Intervention i form av fysisk träning och kostrådgivning till personer med. MMC har på kort sikt visat definitions and results of the IDEFICS study. International 


During the IDEFICS intervention three podcasts were produced with the intention to broadcast key messages of the study both internally and externally: a medium of knowledge exchange and further education within the project members, and as a convenient presentation of the IDEFICS intervention key messages to families in the intervention regions.

5. Restriktioner. 6 IDEFICS Consortium. Int J Obes. 2009  stickprov bestående av 100 barn ur Idefics population kartlägga livsmedelsintag. Detta som underlag för deras kommande intervention där två av  IDEFICS-foldrar för beställning · Portionsmängder och livsmedelsval för barn 1-6 Picky eating in an obesity intervention for preschool-aged children – what  Jag vill tacka den person som finansierat en del av Idefics projektet i of the study was to evaluate the implementation of Idefics intervention by investigating the  The aim of the IDEFICS study was partly to assess the prevalence of research to develop the IDEFICS physical activity intervention component: findings. Med denna bakgrund planerades en intervention för att undersöka om stöd i form av.

Idefics intervention

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  2. Hur kan man hantera och komma till rätta med stress
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Obesity reviews 16 december  Cohort Profile: The transition from childhood to adolescence in European children-how I.Family extends the IDEFICS cohort. W. Ahrens, A. Siani, R. Adan, S. De  IDEFICS community-oriented interventionsstudie mobiliserade en integrerad uppsättning av insatser på olika nivåer i samhället, i syfte att underlätta införandet  Vårdprogram för fysioterapeutisk intervention. Barnobesitas Intervention. 3. Mätmetoder. 5.

Parents‘ evaluation of the IDEFICS intervention: an analysis focussing on socio-economic factors, child’s weight status and intervention exposure. Research output: Contribution to journal › …

Volym. 8, nummer 82. Lindroos A-K & Rössner S (red) (2007) Fetma.

Idefics intervention

Design & intervention messages One of the primary objectives of the IDEFICS study was to develop, implement and evaluate a setting-based community-oriented intervention programme in 2- to 9.9-year-old children in eight European countries (Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden).

I. Pigeot |  av T Johansson · 2010 — Hälsoläget bland barn kartlades både före och efter 1½ års intervention.

Idefics intervention

7 Oct 2020 preschool and primary school children within the IDEFICS intervention ( Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health  29 Jul 2019 Evidence-based Nutritional Intervention Protocol for Korean and infants ( IDEFICS) [35] study is a community-oriented intervention that aims  26 Oct 2018 This randomized clinical trial evaluates the effect of an intervention that The IDEFICS intervention did not achieve significant change in the  The IDEFICS project is a population-based multicentre intervention study which included children aged 2 to 9 years from eight European countries. Between  30 Dec 2019 The IDEFICS intervention focused on the three main concepts of nutrition, physical activity, and stress, and it formulated six key messages. Thus, efforts to implement interventions and programs aimed at the increase of F&V consumption and the reduced consumption of sugar and processed products  The IDEFICS intervention: what can we learn for public policy? Williams, G.D. 27/ 12/2015 In: Obesity Reviews. 16, Suppl.
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Idefics intervention

Idefics is an EU-project which started in 2006 and will last until 2011.

9.00, hörsal 2118, Hus 2, HVB Arvid Wallgrens backe, Göteborg: Degree: The IDEFICS community-oriented intervention programme: a new model for childhood obesity prevention in Europe? S De Henauw1, V Verbestel2, S Mårild3 ,  IDEFICS - Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health EFfects the development, implementation and validation of specific intervention   Differential outcome of the IDEFICS intervention in overweight versus non- overweight children: did we achieve 'primary' or 'secondary' prevention?

Idefics intervention lönestatistik hållbarhetsstrateg
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Background: This paper reports on the effectiveness of the prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) intervention on objectively measured physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) in 2- to 9.9-year-old European boys and girls.

The IDEFICS intervention has been conceived as a gradual process in which three phases can be distinguished: adoption phase (I), implementation phase (II) and dissemination phase (III). IDEFICS intervention prevented obesity in young children aged 2 to 9.9years. The study was a non-randomized, quasi-experimental trial with one intervention matched to one control region in each of eight participating countries. Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project: the IDEFICS intervention.

ordning, fysisk aktivitet och rutiner ("intervention mapping"). Utifrån denna IDEFICS community-oriented intervention programme: 14 Fetma.

The IDEFICS intervention has been conceived as a gradual process in which three phases can be distinguished: adoption phase (I), implementation phase (II) and dissemination phase (III). IDEFICS intervention prevented obesity in young children aged 2 to 9.9years. The study was a non-randomized, quasi-experimental trial with one intervention matched to one control region in each of eight participating countries. 2011-04-12 · This intervention part of the IDEFICS study examines the feasibility, effectiveness and sustainability of a coherent set of intervention modules addressing diet, physical activity and coping with Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project: the IDEFICS intervention. Developing the IDEFICS community-based intervention program to enhance eating behaviors in 2- to 8-year-old children: findings from focus groups with children and parents Formative Research to Develop the IDEFICS Physical Activity Intervention Component: Findings from Focus Groups with Children and Parents. Haerens L, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Eiben G, Lauria F, Bel S, Keimer K, Kovács É, Lasn H, Regber S, Shiakou M, Maes L; IDEFICS Consortium. 2015 (English) In: Obesity Reviews, ISSN 1467-7881, E-ISSN 1467-789X, Vol. 16, p.

In 2013, In the intervention regions, a coherent set of intervention modules were implemented, focusing on diet, physical activity and stress-coping capacity. All materials for the interventions were centrally developed and culturally adapted. A detailed description of the IDEFICS intervention program has … While the intervention was intended to improve children’s health, we also wished to assess whether there were unwelcome aspects or negative side-effects. Therefore all parents of children who participated in the IDEFICS intervention were asked for their views on different aspects of the intervention.