Ruby is 1 of 12 people in the world diagnosed with Stromme syndrome.She hopes that those who get to meet her take a moment to say "hi."SBSK Patreon: https://


Ruby Ardolf is a lively twelve-year-old girl from Lakeville in Minnesota, who is born with Strømme syndrome. Ruby’s beginnings were pretty rough, who happened to be an unplanned pregnancy. Her father did not second his spouse Angie’s decision not to terminate the pregnancy medically.

The condition is very rare and, since 2017, only 13 people have been diagnosed to have the condition. Stromme syndrome is an autosomal recessive genetic condition. Stromme Syndrome is an autosomal recessive congenital disorder which affects multiple organ systems in the body resulting in various clinical symptoms and signs. STROMS is caused by a mutation called as compound heterozygous mutation (a mutation is a change or alteration in the DNA sequence due to several reasons) in the CENPF (centromere protein F) gene on the chromosome 1q41. Angie's daughter Ruby has Microcephaly, and vision impairment.

Stromme syndrome ruby

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Orange Socks is with Angie and Ruby. is with Angie and Ruby. Ruby is 1 of 12 people in the world diagnosed with Stromme syndrome. She hopes that those who get to meet her take a moment to say "hi." (1/2). Stromme syndrome is a rare multiple congenital malformation syndrome consisting in apple peel intestinal atresia, ocular anomalies, microcephaly, and developmental delay. It is an autosomal-recessive disease caused by mutations in CENPF that can result in a wide phenotypic spectrum.

Ruby is 14 and has a rare genetic condition called Stromme Syndrome. Angie is her momma and cheerleader. 😻

Angie and Ruby share their adventures on their blog, Instagram, Facebook and  Nov 20, 2020 Ruby was born with an extremely rare genetic condition called Stromme Syndrome, which causes microcephaly, vision impairment, bowel  Oct 21, 2018 Stromme syndrome is a "rare" genetic condition that results from a mutation in a gene known as CENPF. How a person develops from this  Oct 15, 2019 Meet Ruby. She is one of twelve people in the world diagnosed with Stromme Syndrome.

Stromme syndrome ruby

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In May 2017, Ruby Ardolf (born November 11, 2004), from Minnesota, United States and diagnosed with Strømme syndrome, appeared in an Instagram video answering questions from her mother Angela which went viral, gaining over 500,000 views in a week.

Stromme syndrome ruby

As far as Ruby's mom, Angie, knows, there are fewer than 50 cases of Stromme Syndrome in the world! Angie and Ruby 💎 Ruby is 16 and has Stromme Syndrome 👩‍👧 Angie is her momma 🦮 @charliehelpsruby is her service dog ♥️ Our motto: Ruby is 1 of 12 known cases of Stromme syndrome in the world. She is also part of a community that loves and accepts her fully.
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Stromme syndrome ruby

Ruby is 14 and has a rare genetic condition called Stromme Syndrome. Angie is her momma and cheerleader. 😻 Das Strømme-Syndrom ist eine sehr seltene angeborene Multisystemerkrankung mit den Hauptmerkmalen Hirnfehlbildungen, Duodenalatresie und beidseitige Nierenhypoplasie. Synonyme sind: englisch Jejunal atresia with microcephaly and ocular anomalies; Apple peel syndrome with microcephaly and ocular anomalies Früher wurde das Syndrom als englisch Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 31; CILD31 geführt. Die Namensbezeichnung bezieht sich auf den Erstautoren der Erstbeschreibung aus dem Jahre Si chiama Ruby, è nata 13 anni fa già orfana di padre e affetta da una malattia rarissima a cui la mamma ha potuto dare un nome solo dopo la nascita di sua figlia e molte ricerche.

Synonyme sind: englisch Jejunal atresia with microcephaly and ocular anomalies; Apple peel syndrome with microcephaly and ocular anomalies Früher wurde das Syndrom als englisch Ciliary dyskinesia, primary, 31; CILD31 geführt.
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Ruby is 1 of 12 people in the world known to have Stromme syndrome and is blind. Avery, Ruby's best friend, uses a wheelchair for mobility. Ruby pushes Avery throughout the school and in return Avery guides her through the halls. This full SBSK original documentary can be viewed at

Hos de flesta leder det till en intellektuell funktionsnedsättning som brukar vara lindrig till måttlig. Många med Williams syndrom har också gemensamma drag när det gäller utseende och beteende. Ruby is 14 and has a rare genetic condition called Stromme Syndrome.

Ruby Ardolf. Par Dorothy Cummings McLean (LifeSiteNews) traduit par Campagne Québec-VieRuby Ardolf est une jeune fille de 12 ans, atteinte d'une maladie génétique rare, le syndrome de Stromme, qui cause une déficience visuelle, la microencéphalie, des problèmes intestinaux, un retard de croissance et des troubles de développement.

Both of these conditions are part of Stromme Syndrome. At birth, these findings led doctors to believe that Ruby was completely blind in both eyes. However, as time went on, we realized that she has light perception in both of her eyes.

One of the most notable case of Stromme syndrome is involving Ruby Ardolf which born in 2004.